WCFM plugin

How to approve or reject product using WCFM plugin?

WordPress is widely used CMS now a days, as a experienced web developer, I would like to share some helpful blogs. Today, I would like to share about how you can approve/reject products using WooCommerce Front-end Manager Plugin.

Prior or Basic Steps to Start with Product Approval

Note: Product approval/rejection can be done by Admin only. Store manager and Admin can add products See How To Add Products?

Mainly, you have two options to approve products using WCFM plugin. 1. You can directly approve from received email and 2. you can approve manually from admin side. Before you follow the steps, please check the Publish Products and Auto Publish Live Products option is set to OFF in capability section.

OPTION: 1 Approve Product from Email

Admin will receive an email after store-manager/user will upload their products. Once you will click on product name from your received email, you will be redirected to product page from where you can approve OR reject the product. ( See below – Step No. 4)

OPTION: 2 Product approval from admin side, manually.

Go to wordpress admin
[yourdomain name]/wp-admin/
Follow the below steps :

  • Click on Marketplace Tab (See below image)
  • You will see store manager page. Click on notification board (see below image)
  • Once you will click on Notification, you can see the list of products awaiting for review (Example: Product THU VÀNG awaiting for review)
  • You need to click on product name. Check below image.

Once you will click on product name, you will see 3 options available at the bottom of the page:

  • Preview
  • Reject
  • Approve

From above options you can approve product if you want to show on your website. Or you can reject.

  • After approval you can see your product on your website.

Still not successful? Get Help

WooCommerce and WCFM Plugin is useful and easy to manage. Keypoint about this plugin it’s 100% FREE. It’s easily available by one download click. I have tried to mention step by step process to approve or reject products. If you are still not getting output, you can contact Parinshi for detailed help.
Thank you everyone!

Dhruvanshi Maharshi

Freelance Full Stack Developer
